DekBoard Cookie Policy

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On visiting our website, you will be sent anonymous cookies to keep track of their browsing patterns and build up a demographic profile. In addition, if you have clicked on an Epwin advertisement on another site that links to our website you may be sent an anonymous cookie that will allow us to analyse advertising effectiveness and manage our relationship with our associated websites.

Whilst you do not need to allow your browser to accept cookies in order to browse much of the website or to access many of our services, you must have cookies enabled if you wish to shop online or access any areas reserved for registered users.

“Cookies” are small bits of electronic information that a website can transfer to your hard drive to help tailor and keep records of your visit to that website. If you visit our website, cookies are used to allow us to better customise your visit to your individual preferences, helping us provide you with the best possible service on our website. Most major websites use cookies and their use is standard on the internet. You can find out more about the way cookies work on and

We use cookies to:
  • Simplify the logging on process for registered users
  • Help ensure the security and authenticity of registered users
  • Provide the mechanisms for online shopping
  • Enable traffic monitoring

Most browsers allow you to turn off the cookie function. If you want to know how to do this please look at the help menu on your browser, but this may restrict the use of some parts of the website.

We or third parties on our behalf may use web beacons in combination with cookies on the website, in our emails or in our advertisements. Web beacons help us understand how visitors interact with the website and enable us to measure the effectiveness of the website and our advertising, for example by counting the number of individuals who have visited the website via a particular advert.

A web beacon is typically an electronic image that is placed on a site, email or advert which allows a website to record the simple actions of the user opening the page that contains the beacon. Web beacons provide us with details of how the website is navigated, how many individuals visit specific pages, the time material was viewed, the types of browsers and computer operating systems used, and the internet protocol addresses from which you connect to the website. This is information that is available to any web server you visit, and web beacons do not give any extra information away. Web beacons are simply a convenient way of gathering simple statistics and managing cookies and by being able to recognise you this allows us to improve your experience of the website by enabling us to tailor and personalise your visit. Where web beacons are used in connection with cookies then they may be rendered ineffective by either opting out of the cookies or changing the cookie settings in your browser.

You can find out more about the way web beacons work on